Friday, March 12, 2010

Women Empowerment in Pakistan. A Ray of Hope

On the eve of International Women’s Day on 8 March 2010, two significant events took place in Pakistan. One, a bill for the protection of working women at the work places against their harassment was signed by the President Mr Asif Ali Zardari. This was a remarkable achievement which was badly needed since decades. One can hope that the law will be implemented in its true letter and spirit.

In the second event a women named Mai Jori stood as a candidate for provincial assembly seat in Jaffarabad ( Balochistan) during the bye- elections. Mai Jori is a poor peasant with no political or feudal background. She was supported by hundreds of her own community members, the peasants and the laborers. Her opponents included the candidate of the ruling Pakistan Peoples Party and an independent candidate. Both are also the powerful feudal lords and tribal chieftains of their clans. As expected Mai Jori could not make it to the assembly but in the process has left a signpost for others to follow. She mustered the courage to stand up against chieftains of the area where even to speak in front of the local lord is considered a big crime. Such a step by a commoner is conceived as a revolt against the tyrannical tribal system.

All the human rights organizations, the media and civil society as a whole have paid rich tributes to Mai Jori for her courage. This has been made possible because of the silent revolution which has created significant awareness in the masses. People of Pakistan have now realized the importance of independent judiciary and media. The initiative taken by Mai Jori can be viewed as first drop of rain. We expect many more such events in Pakistan in future. The winds of change have started blowing and the day is not very far when the down trodden segments of society, including the women, will stop looking towards others for the leadership. They will rather unite and create the leadership from within themselves. That will be the beginning of actual democracy, which will empower the common people including the women.

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