Friday, August 27, 2010

Altaf Hussain’s Statement creates Stir in Political Waters

The self exiled leader of a political party MQM (Motahida Quami Movement) has given a statement in London that if some patriotic generals of Pakistan Army took any martial law-type action against the feudal lords and corrupt politician the MQM will support that action.

This statement from a leader whose party politically controls the urban population centers of Sindh and claims to be the true representative of middle and lower middle class was astonishing for the other political elite of the country. Almost all the parties, including the ruling Pakistan Peoples Party and main opposition party Pakistan Muslim League (Nawaz) have condemned it. They say that it is a conspiracy to derail the democracy and again bring in the military dictatorship. The stance of MQM leaders is that they do not favor martial law but some sort of military interference is necessary to take the country out of the quagmire which is taking heavy toll in terms of economic, political and social degradation. A veteran political leader, Pir Pagara, who is known for his close association with the Army has also supported the idea. A bout of statements and counter statements from different leaders is going on.

The desire of Mr. Altaf Hussain seems to sincere and can termed as a short cut measure to cure the ills of the country. However the past experience shows that military interference in the political affairs of Pakistan has never borne the desired results. Military governments, although duly welcomed by the public at the initial stage have invariably fell short of people’s expectations. As a matter of fact Army is not a suitable instrument to bring revolution. It is meant to defend the country from the enemies of the state. And this is where it wins the hearts and minds of the people. When it interferes in the politics and takes over the reins of power it suffers from the problem of legitimacy right from the start. The military dictator becomes hostage to the puppet politicians that he creates for his justification in power. Similarly he is pressurized and blackmailed by foreign powers and is forced to act according to their wishes. Hence the hope of a patriotic revolution evaporates in the air. The Army then starts losing its prestige in the eyes of public who start looking forward to elections and democracy, and hence the vicious circle goes on and on. The result is always a total despair for the people.

I think it is high time now that the politicians should learn how to conduct their business of statesmanship without looking towards the Army. It will be much better for sincere leaders like Mr. Altaf Hussain and others that if they think that the regime in Pakistan is inept and should be changed, they should come forward and mobilize the public opinion in that direction., instead of favoring a military interference that has got inherent dangers for the country. This is how the democracy will flourish.

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