Thursday, February 25, 2010

Start of Dialogue between Pakistan and India-Finally the Ice has Broken

The first round of secretary level formal talks between Pakistan and India has concluded on 25 Feb 10. Pakistan raised the issue of Kashmir, followed by Indian interference in Balochistan and water dispute. India brought under discussion the issue of terrorism and urged Pakistan to take immediate action against the masterminds of Mumbai attacks of 26/11.

It’s a good omen that ice has finally broken. Better sense has prevailed and India has agreed to start the long awaited dialogue process with Pakistan. Lack of dialogue and communication has never been helpful in resolving the disputes and settling the issues. Attaching pre-conditions to the dialogues can also be a serious non-starter in such circumstances.

Both the countries should be aware of the fact that many people with vested interests in the region will always be ready to throw the peace process into disarray. The blast in Pune just prior to meeting of the delegates is one example. So let the talks continue and the countries should not become hostage by a handful of terrorists.

Another worrisome point being noted in the recent talks is the myopic view of the delegations. It seems as if Pakistan and India tried to focus the discussion on points of their own interest. India was shy of talking on Kashmir whereas Pakistani team considered the issue of Mumbai attacks as a trivial one. As a matter of fact all the issues are co-related and cannot be separated from each other. Delay in resolving Kashmir issue may promote ‘jihadi’ organizations / mindset in Pakistan. Hence a sincere, wide-ranging, comprehensive, and meaningful dialogue, without any pre-conditions and without any apprehensions, is need of the day. And the sooner the better.

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